Whitby Woodland ‘Slow the Flow’ contribution to York’s Flood Defence

October 2017

After 2 years in the making Barry Otley vice chair of Treemendous York is delighted that planting at Whitby Woodland is now complete. Barry with support from City of York Council identified land not in agricultural use that the landowners kindly gave for free, as well as £20,000 funding from YDMT for which we are grateful.

Whitby Woodland now has 5830 native broadleaf trees protected by 403 meters of stock proof fencing. The trees are a mix of Common Alder, Goat Willow, Silver Birch, Hazel and Hawthorne on low ground and English Oak, Beech, Rowan, Wild Cherry and Field Maple on high ground. All trees are protected with 60cm Tube shelters and taller 90cm stakes. It is open to the public and can be accessed off Sustrans Cyle route 65 near Skelton west of York, see map www.itravelyork.info

Whitby Wood site in flood – Jan 2018
Tractor flailing tall herbaceous layer – Sept 2017

The ‘Slow the Flow’ natural flood management project aims to use land to store flash flood water, with woody debris and trees planted releasing it slowly from leaky Dams into Hurns Gutter and into the River Ouse. This woodland will not only create diverse habitats but also contribute to reducing surface run-off and diffuse pollution into adjacent water courses. We are very grateful for all the help we have received with this project from John Reeves Helmsley Group, and landowners, TCV assisted with design, and Skelton P.C.

Fencing and gates erected – Oct 2017
Quad bike tree space marking – Oct 2017
Right tree in right place – planted end March 2018
5830 Trees planted – Whitby Woodland 2018

For more information about how natural flood management works and what we are trying to achieve: www.stroud.gov.uk

See more about the aware the project was nominated: www.facebook.com/TreemendousYork

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Treemendous York is a member of One Planet York: www.york.gov.uk/OnePlanetYork